A downloadable game

 _______  _____  _     _ _______ _______ _______  ______ _______       
 |______ |_____| |_____| |______ |  |  | |______ |_____/ |_____| |     
 |______ |       |     | |______ |  |  | |______ |    \_ |     | |_____
A short text-based adventure game.
For MACSJAM 5.0.
You're on a long trek, trying to search for an artefact you've long
been searching for. But to what end? 
Programming, Story and Some Artwork:
    Jahin Z.
Asset attribution:
        Own work.
        Generated with figlet (http://www.figlet.org/) and
        the `cyberlarge` font (Kent Nassen, Nov. 1994)
    token (inari-japan):
        Own work.
        Adapted from: Inari Sen, Japan, n.d.,
            Sebald, William J., National Museum of American History
            The Smithsonian Institution (https://www.si.edu/)
        Based on: ASCII Art Archive, Geometries catalogue.
            Dodecahedron by Michael Naylor.
        From ASCII Art Archive, Faces catalogue.
        Original artist unknown.
All code released under the MIT license.
Published 8 days ago
Tagsmacsjam, Text based


ephemeral.zip 32 kB
README.txt 2 kB

Install instructions

You can play this game using Python (https://www.python.org/).
After extracting the archive, you should see:
* ephemeral.py: the main game file,
* libephemeral/: folder containing helper code files, and
* README.txt: usage instructions.
From there:
* On Windows, simply double-click the ephemeral.py file, and a console 
  should open with the game.
* On macOS, Linux, or other *NIX platforms, open a terminal in the
  directory, and run `python ephemeral.py`.
For better retro immersion, you can play the game in Cool Retro Term
(https://github.com/Swordfish90/cool-retro-term) or Windows Terminal Retro Mode
NOTE: Keep the libephemeral directory in same folder/directory as
      ephemeral.py, otherwise the game cannot run.
No external dependencies are required - this game only uses the Python
standard library. No files will be written to during gameplay.
The game will only read:
 * Python files in libephemeral, and
 * your system username, for some sections.

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